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The Power of Introverts at Work

April 10, 2024

The Power of Introverts at Work

  • Introverts bring unique strengths to the workplace, including increased focus, productivity, and deep thinking abilities that stem from their comfort with solitude and their highly active brains, even at rest.
  • Despite the perception of extroverts as better leaders due to their assertiveness and social ease, introverts often prove to be superior in leadership roles. Their natural predisposition towards listening, empathy, and forming deep connections is highly valued and, in fact, impressed investors the most in a study involving over 900 CEOs.
  • For introverts to thrive in the workplace, an environment that respects their need for solitude and flexible communication styles is crucial. Spaces for quiet reflection, allowing written communication, and providing time for thoughtful responses can help introverts stand out and contribute their best ideas.

560 words ~ 3 minute read

Are you an extrovert? An introvert?

While this question may seem highly personal, your answer provides clues about how you lead, work in teams and engage with others. For years, many have believed that extroverts have the edge in the workplace. After all, extroverted individuals appear more outgoing, talkative and energetic, while introverts seem more reserved, reflective and less social. However, psychologists have been looking more closely at this preconception and theorizing that the introvert’s quiet way may just be a misunderstood superpower.

The Added Brain Power of Introverts

So, what are introverts doing while they are quiet? They’re thinking. Introverts, known for their intuition and powers of perception, have also been shown to have thicker gray matter than extroverts. Gray matter makes up 40% of the human brain and is associated with a person’s ability to process information, learn, think and reason. Other studies have shown that even while resting, introverted brains are more active.

Work often requires individuals to put in hours of solitary work, which can be tough on extroverts who find energy in the company of others. Introverts, on the other hand, have a life-long discipline of spending time alone and may surpass their extroverted peers in focus and productivity, according to neuroscientist Friederike Fabritius.

Introversion and Leadership

Perhaps it’s not surprising that introverts are more focused and productive at work. But what about the work of leading others or building client-facing relationships?

This question is the focus of a Harvard Business Review article called “Can Introverts Thrive in Extraverted Careers?” Karl Moore and William Li, the article’s authors, found that while introverts need to develop skills around certain social behaviors like speaking up and meeting new people, their natural strengths in listening, empathy and the ability to make deep connections are valuable assets that make introverts especially effective at work.

Although we often find assertive extroverts impressive, Moore and Li report that you don’t need a big personality to make a positive impression. In a study of more than 900 CEOs, it was the introverted personalities that impressed investors most. While extroverts land high-paying jobs at a rate of 25% higher than introverts, introverts are often considered the better leaders, according to Moore and Li.

Introverts Perform Best at Work When Expectations Are Flexible

While it may seem anti-social, it’s both normal and positive for people to spend breaks and lunches alone. Since introverts often feel drained after social activity, alone time allows them to recharge—which is good for them and everyone else.

Introverts may also thrive when given the option to communicate in writing instead of in person or on the phone. This practice is also true for giving introverts more time to think through questions and respond later in follow-ups. Some experts even suggest that group brainstorming is an outdated exercise because an introvert's best ideas may show up with reflection not in chaotic group settings. And since introverts are known for their keen observational and analytical skills, teams should do what they can to ensure they don’t miss their prized ideas.

When it comes to hiring, recruiters encourage employers to look out for introverted types who may not be as loud as their extroverted counterparts. By ensuring a quiet, private space, planning extra questions and allowing for silence, hiring managers can ensure that high-quality introverts have the time and place to shine.


The Columbia Montour Chamber of Commerce is a private non-profit organization that aims to support the growth and development of local businesses and our regional economy. We strive to create content that not only educates but also fosters a sense of connection and collaboration among our readers. Join us as we explore topics such as economic development, networking opportunities, upcoming events, and success stories from our vibrant community. Our resources provide insights, advice, and news that are relevant to business owners, entrepreneurs, and community members alike.

Reach Chamber Members with May ChamberPack!

April 10, 2024

Reach Chamber Members with May ChamberPack!

Reach 430 of your business peers!

ChamberPack will be sent the week of May 6th.

Take this opportunity to showcase your business to the entire chamber network by submitting your flyers for inclusion in our upcoming bi-monthly direct mail piece.

Gain visibility and reach by sharing your promotions, events, or services directly with our engaged community of fellow members. Don't miss this exclusive opportunity to stand out and connect with a wide audience of local businesses.

Submit your flyers by April 22nd to be featured in ChamberPack.

Call the Chamber at 570-784-2522 to reserve your space OR click here for more information OR email Taryn, Director of Member Engagement at

Cash Management to Improve Your Bottom Line

April 10, 2024

Cash Management to Improve Your Bottom Line

Source: Dan Sturm, McKonly & Asbury

Cash management manages the inflows and outflows of cash in a business and is particularly important for construction contractors. Long payment cycles, unpredictable expenses, and fluctuating demand all emphasize the need for cash management. A solid cash management strategy and process can help with long-term sustainability and help drive additional income straight to your bottom line, especially in today’s interest rate environment. With guidance from your financial advisor, excess cash can also be invested, creating additional cash flow and income.

Poor cash management can affect the ability to grow, obtain new contracts, pay suppliers, employees, and taxes, and ultimately result in negative net income. There are many strategies that you can implement to improve cash management. Improving cash management is a long-term project requiring intentional strategy and focus. We have outlined a few cash management strategies below for your consideration. While not an all-inclusive list, we’ve observed these strategies contribute to the success of many contractors.

Cash Management Strategies

Plan ahead. One of the most important steps in cash management is to create a realistic cash flow forecast that projects the expected cash inflows and outflows for a given period. This can help you anticipate and prepare for cash shortages or surpluses, and to adjust spending and borrowing accordingly. A cash flow forecast should be updated regularly and based on accurate data from past and current projects, as well as market trends and customer behavior.

We should emphasize that projections and forecasts apply to more than the business as a whole. This same strategy can and should be applied to capital equipment purchases. Construction equipment is a major expense for most construction companies. Forecasting cash flows prior to equipment purchases will support your decision-making process. Cash inflow from new equipment should exceed the cash outflow for debt and all other costs associated with the equipment.

Contract payment terms. Contract payment terms are as important as ever, particularly in today’s environment with fluctuating material prices and rising costs. Frontloading payments on contracts can provide significant benefits to your cash management process. This allows you to work on your customers’ dollars, versus your own, for mobilization and other job start-up costs. These costs can be significant. Frontloading payments may create a liability on your balance sheet, however, it’s a much better option than using your line of credit or other debt, which only adds to the cost of business. For contracts that are significant in duration, you may have an opportunity to hold excess cash in short-term investments, driving additional investment income to your bottom line.

Invoice and collect promptly. Another way to improve cash management is to ensure that invoices are sent to customers (and collected) as soon as possible and that they are clear and accurate. While this seems like a basic strategy, it is not uncommon for us to see significant job costs build on a balance sheet. Monitoring unbilled job costs is critical to cash management, particularly on time and materials projects. You’ve incurred the cost and have a right to payment. Sitting on these unbilled costs may be costing you interest income, or even worse, costing you interest expense on your line of credit. An accounts receivable process that demands accountability of your project managers, or others responsible for billing closes the loop on this process. In the words of Peter Drucker, “what gets measured, gets managed.”

Manage expenses and inventory. Controlling expenses and inventory of the business is probably the “go-to” item to manage cash. While critical, it’s just one piece of the overall strategy. Contractors should review their expenses regularly and identify areas where they can reduce costs or negotiate better terms with suppliers. You should also monitor inventory levels and avoid overstocking or understocking materials and equipment, which can tie up cash and increase storage and maintenance costs.

Incentivize ALL employees. Creating an incentive plan for all employees can provide a tremendous boost to a cash management strategy. Ask yourself how are my employees motivated to serve our clients with excellence, drive additional billings, collect cash, and control spending. Does the person answering your phone know they have a direct impact on the experience of your customers? Customer experience has a direct impact on your ability to set fees and get paid. You may have an opportunity to redesign current incentive plans to help drive forward a new strategy and mindset where everyone contributes and benefits. One idea is creating cash collection goals and rewarding employees for exceeding those goals. A well-designed incentive plan gives all employees an opportunity and motivation to contribute to your strategy.

Education. Last, but not least, the education of your entire organization can have a significant impact on your cash collections, top line revenue and net income. Often, your team may focus on areas specific to their job and lose sight of the big picture. For example, project managers are very aware of budgets and costs impacting jobs they are charged with managing. But are those same project managers aware of all the costs it takes to run your business? We have observed some clients apply administrative fees to each job that cover the general and administrative costs of running the business. It allows the project manager to see that a gross margin of 10% can quickly decrease to 7% or less. Applying an administrative cost to each job may influence contract bid estimates and overall behavior in spending. Especially, if these same project managers receive bonuses based on the bottom-line results. Educating everyone about the business can make a difference, sometimes immediate.

The Bottom Line

Cash management is a vital skill for construction contractors, as it can impact net income and success in a competitive construction industry. By planning, setting appropriate payment terms, invoicing, collecting receivables promptly, managing expenses and inventory, incentivizing employees, and educating your team, contractors can improve their cash management and improve their bottom line.

McKonly & Asbury has served the construction industry for nearly 50 years. We have a dedicated construction team that is here to help you with your accounting and tax needs, along with all the areas outlined above.

About the Author:

Dan is a Partner and the Director of our Architecture, Engineering, and Construction (AEC) Practice, serving clients across the Mid-Atlantic. His industry focus includes construction, employee benefit plans, federal acquisition regulation indirect cost audits, and insurance.

Maximizing Business Success Through Employee Satisfaction Surveys: Strategies for Engaging and Retaining Your Workforce

April 8, 2024

Maximizing Business Success Through Employee Satisfaction Surveys: Strategies for Engaging and Retaining Your Workforce

  • Employee satisfaction surveys are key to aligning company values with goals, understanding team dynamics, evaluating supervisor performance, and identifying opportunities for training, development, and career advancement.
  • Ensuring anonymity in surveys is vital to encourage honest feedback without fear of retribution, with options to use third-party agencies or tools like SurveyMonkey for conducting surveys.
  • Crafting insightful and actionable questions is key to effective surveys, with examples provided to help start the process.
  • Transparent communication of survey results and a clear action plan for improvement demonstrate a company’s commitment to using employee feedback constructively.
  • Regular employee satisfaction surveys are essential for staying ahead of potential issues, making informed decisions, and fostering a workplace that attracts, retains, and inspires top talent, thereby maintaining a competitive advantage.

673 words ~ 3 min. read


Engagement, retention, productivity – these aren’t just HR buzzwords; they're the building blocks of any thriving business. For employers, grasping the mood and morale of your workforce is not merely a matter of proper management etiquette; it's a strategic business imperative.


Enter the Employee Satisfaction Survey

Employee satisfaction surveys are not just another corporate chore; they are the clearest line of communication between you and your team. This article aims to shed light on why conducting these surveys is crucial for your business's success and provide a roadmap for implementing them effectively.


Why Employee Satisfaction Is Critical

Happy employees aren’t just a warm and fuzzy KPI. They lead to a happier workplace, lower turnover, and better service. According to a Gallup study, disengaged employees cost US companies $1.9 trillion dollars last year in productivity loss last year. The cost of replacing a single employee averages. Replacing an employee can cost between 6 to 9 months of their salary, amounting to $30,000 – $45,000 for someone earning $60,000 annually in recruitment and training expenses.

In order to measure employee satisfaction, it’s first important to define it. A simple definition of employee satisfaction is the happiness level of workers with their job, working environment, state of the company, career direction, and leadership support.


Navigating the Survey Process

What to Measure

When you design an employee satisfaction survey, it’s important to cover the key areas known to affect workplace satisfaction. Here are some key metrics you should cover:

  • Job Satisfaction
  • Team Dynamics
  • Supervisor Effectiveness
  • Training and Development
  • Career Progression Opportunities

Overall, it’s important that your survey's focus aligns with your organization's values and goals.


Ensuring Anonymity

Employees need to feel their feedback won’t lead to retribution. The goal isn’t to know who said what, but to gauge how effective your organization is in the focus areas measured on the survey. There are many third party agencies such as Bamboo HR and HR Morning that can conduct the surveys on your behalf and help you interpret the results. Survey Monkey also offers tools for employee satisfaction surveys. From comprehensive platforms that handle the full survey process to simple solutions that assist with question creation and data analysis, the options are vast.


Crafting Your Questions

The key is asking questions that are not only insightful but also actionable. Here's a list of 10 example questions to jumpstart your thinking. Select ones that are right for your organization or use them all to collect more data.

  1. How satisfied are you with your current role and the recognition of your efforts?
  2. Do you feel your work is valued by your manager and the company?
  3. Are you satisfied with the salary and benefits offered by the company?
  4. How likely are you to recommend this company as a great place to work?
  5. Are your skills and career advancing positively at this company?
  6. Is your workload manageable, and do you have a good work-life balance?
  7. Are you satisfied with your schedule?
  8. Are you satisfied with the company’s commitment to diversity and inclusion?
  9. Do you feel our company has a strong company culture?
  10. How satisfied are you with the training, support, and management?


Unveiling the Survey Results

Once the survey is completed, the results must be transparently communicated throughout the organization, with a clear plan of action for addressing issues. Using the feedback constructively shows your commitment to your employees and the company's overall improvement.


Why Action Solutions are Vital

The surveys are just the tip of the iceberg. The real change comes from taking actions based on the results and continuously measuring the impact. Engaging employees through these surveys not only indicates a positive future for your business but also ensures that you are constantly improving conditions, morale, and loyalty.


The Takeaway

By regularly conducting employee satisfaction surveys, your business can stay ahead of potential issues, make more informed decisions, and create a workplace that attracts, retains, and inspires top talent. Remember, a satisfied employee is an engaged employee, and engaged employees are a company's true competitive advantage. It's a win-win.


The Columbia Montour Chamber of Commerce is a private non-profit organization that aims to support the growth and development of local businesses and our regional economy. We strive to create content that not only educates but also fosters a sense of connection and collaboration among our readers. Join us as we explore topics such as economic development, networking opportunities, upcoming events, and success stories from our vibrant community. Our resources provide insights, advice, and news that are relevant to business owners, entrepreneurs, and community members alike.

How the Baltimore Bridge Collapse Impacts the Economy

April 3, 2024

How the Baltimore Bridge Collapse Impacts the Economy

Source: US Chamber of Commerce

The collapse of the Francis Scott Key Bridge in Baltimore has created enormous repercussions throughout the region and the country, including the closure of one of the nation’s most important seaports, the loss of thousands of jobs, and the loss of mobility for millions of people.

The Key Bridge was a major thoroughfare through Baltimore, helping to keep people, businesses, and communities connected. The bridge collapsed on March 26, after being struck by the containership MV Dali. This led to a halt of operations at the Port of Baltimore—one of the busiest ports in the nation, responsible for over 15,000 direct jobs and 140,000 indirect jobs in the region, and tens of billions of dollars of cargo each year.

What is the impact?

First and foremost, this incident resulted in six bridge maintenance workers losing their lives, tragically impacting their families and communities. But for Baltimore and the region “this is going to be difficult,” Marty Durbin, Chamber Senior Vice President for Policy, told Fox 5 in Washington, D.C., in reference to likely prolonged impact this tragedy will have on the local economy. Businesses involved with moving goods through the port will be negatively impacted.

The Port of Baltimore plays an important role in the local, regional, and national economy. It is the largest importer and exporter of vehicles in the U.S., with 800,000 vehicles moved through the port in 2023. It is also the second largest exporter of coal, and a significant amount of agricultural equipment goes through the port.

The effects of the port’s inaccessibility will be felt throughout the country. “Shippers are looking to find different destinations for their shipments. If now they have to divert to ports along the eastern seaboard or on the West Coast, you may see delays or increases in costs just because of the increased trucking costs,” Durbin added. “We can expect to see some cost effects,” but the long-term impacts are yet to be determined.

Could there be supply chain disruptions?

Businesses at the local and national level are collaborating with government authorities and other stakeholders to minimize the impact on supply chains. Strategies include diverting cargo to alternative ports with excess capacity, engaging with customers on a one-on-one basis to ensure cargo reaches its final destination, and working collaboratively to minimize the impact on workers in the area.

What about the fallen Key Bridge?

Clean up efforts have just begun. The Federal Highway Administration approved $60 million in “quick release” emergency funds, Politico reported. Heavy cranes have moved to the area, and workers have begun removing the bridge. The Coast Guard has established a temporary alternate channel on the northeast side of the main channel for commercially essential vessels.

That will help with recovery efforts, but there will still be major traffic disruptions around the Baltimore area until the bridge is rebuilt.

The Biden Administration has pledged to fund bridge rebuilding, but that will likely require approval from Congress. It will also entail many federal agencies working together. “It’s going to involve more than one agency, so it’s going to take a lot of coordination to get it done quickly and really focus everybody’s minds on what it is they want to do,” Chad Whiteman, vice president of environment and regulatory affairs at the Chamber’ Commerce’s Global Energy Institute, told Bloomberg Law.

Is there help for businesses affected by the disaster?

We are working closely with the Maryland State Chamber of Commerce, the Greater Baltimore Chamber of Commerce, as well as other industry and government partners to identify the needs of businesses in the region and to provide support.

  • The Maryland Chamber of Commerce has an information hub – Building Bridges to Recovery – to support businesses effected by the bridge collapse.
  • The U.S. Chamber Foundation’s Disaster Help Desk provides one-on-one expert assistance to small business owners after a disaster strikes. Contact them at 1-888-MY-BIZ-HELP.
  • Small businesses can apply for disaster relief from the Small Business Administration.

About the author - Sean Hackbarth
Sean writes about public policies affecting businesses including energy, health care, and regulations. When not battling those making it harder for free enterprise to succeed, he raves about all things Wisconsin (his home state) and religiously follows the Green Bay Packers.

Member News April 3, 2024

April 3, 2024

Member News April 3, 2024

Check out the latest information from the National Weather Service on the Heavy Rainfall.

Risant Health completes acquisition of Geisinger

Risant Health has announced the completion of its acquisition of Geisinger as its first health system dedicated to increasing access to value-based care and coverage. Learn More.

North Shore Railroad Company & Affiliates First Quarter Newsletter Out now

Check out the latest edition on On Track.

Bloomsburg Children's Museum Announce April Program

Wilkes University SBDC's April Updates

Garden Party to Benefit Ronald McDonald House of Danville

A captivating evening amidst the beauty of spring at Garden Party at Dark. On April 5th, put on your finest cocktail attire and head to the AEREA in Milton, PA from 6:30-10pm.  The evening will feature music, entertainment, silent auction, cocktails, and more! Get your tickets here.

Harry Mathias Guest on Podcast

Harry Mathias of Mathias Educational Leadership Consulting was a recent guest on the Lauer Power Podcast.  Check out his take on Leading and Learning.

Bloomsburg Rotary PB & J Drive underway

Now through April 25th the Bloomsburg Rotary is collecting PB & Jelly to be distributed through the Bloomsburg Food Cupboard.  Get a list of drop off locations here.

Bloomsburg Public Library Event Calendar Available Online

Check out the Bloomsburg Public Library's event Calendar.

Tanks on the Loose

The Stuart Tank Memorial Association announces the nearing completion of the restoration of "Lady Lois", our M3A1 Stuart Light Tank, with a parade and museum open house on April 14th in Berwick.  For more information, contact Tom McLaughlin at

PA Careerlink Spring Career Fair

The Columbia-Montour Spring Career Fair will be held on Thursday, April 25, 2024. For more details and to learn how to register for space click here.

Bloomsburg YMCA hosting Healthy Kids Day April 20th

Healthy Kids Day is on April 20th, 2024 and partners with the Bloomsburg Children's Museum Mini Maker Faire. This event will last from 10AM until 4PM.  There will be free crafts, activities, games and sports for children and their families to take part in including a mini farm market, skee ball, inflatable soccer, sand art, and more! 

BizPitch '24 Happening April 8th

On Monday, April 8 at 6:00pm head to the Elaine Langone Center at 701 Moore Avenue to see Bucknell student startups in Bucknell's BizPitch Competition and to cast your vote for Fan Favorite! BizPitch 2024 is open to the public and will be broadcast live on WVIA TV! Learn more.

Servpro of Columbia, Montour & Sullivan Counties offering CE classes

5 CE classes will be offered by Servpro of Columbia, Montour & Sullivan Counties.  Get the full schedule.

Renaissance Jamboree April 27th

Renaissance Jamboree will be happening Rain or shine 10 am - 5:00 pm on April 27th at Main and Market Streets in Downtown Bloomsburg. Get all the details here.

United In Recovery Naloxone Distribution Dates

United in Recovery is organizing free community naloxone giveaways. Community members can pick up naloxone kits along with information on substance use disorder treatment, counseling services, peer support, and basic needs assistance. Fentanyl and xylazine testing strips, along with other harm reduction, recovery, and treatment resources, are also available. Get a list of locations and dates here.

April Weis Center for the Performing Arts Shows

BOOM Camps happening

Better Orientation Onboarding & Mentoring (BOOM) Camps will be hosted free and online April - July.  Get dates, session topics and to register by clicking here.

MARC Summer Internship Opportunity

The Montour Area Recreation Commission is seeking an intern for this summer. Check out the position summary. If you know of any college students you believe might be interested in applying for this position, please encourage them to apply before next Friday, April 12, at 5:00pm.

Free NonProfit and Municipality Workshop April 17th

As part of the Columbia County Placemaking Initiative, there will be a free workshop to help nonprofits and municipalities in Columbia County find and prepare competitive state and federal grant applications. The workshop will be in Bloomsburg on Wednesday, April 17 from 1 to 3:30 p.m. Click here to register.

Community Giving Foundation: Danville announces "Neighbor of the Year" award

The Neighbors Helping Neighbors Event Committee and Community Giving Foundation: Danville are pleased to announce the 2024 Robert N. Pursel Award for “Neighbor of the Year”—Bob Stoudt. Bob will receive the award at the upcoming event on April 20th at the Pine Barn Inn. More information about the event is available at

DCDC "Dinner and a Show"

Put two sharp-witted and talented musicians onstage with two grand pianos, and add a roomful of people: The result is an evening of fast, funny, unforgettable entertainment. There will be auction items and other surprises as well in honor of DCDC’s 50th Anniversary, and we hope for you to join us at the Pine Barn Inn for a grand celebration! Check out sponsorship and Tickets on sale now!

Penn College to host Baja SAE Competition in May

Baja SAE challenges engineering students to design and build an off-road vehicle that will survive the severe punishment of rough terrain and in some competitions, water. Penn College will host a Baja SAE international competition, May 16–19, 2024, at the Schneebeli Earth Science Center’s heavy construction equipment operations training site. Learn more about sponsorship opportunities for the BAJA SAE Williamsport and ways to support the team.

Save the Date for Agapepalooza

Save the Date for Agapepalooza July 20th, 2024.  This is a day of free fun for the whole family with activities, local vendors, and food. Learn more.

How to Verify the Accuracy of an Applicant’s Resume

April 3, 2024

How to Verify the Accuracy of an Applicant’s Resume

75% of hiring managers have encountered lies on resumes, posing a challenge to the trustworthiness of applicant qualifications.
Pruning outdated or irrelevant job experiences from resumes can help applicants highlight their most recent and pertinent skills.

Checking for employment gaps can uncover important character traits or red flags, such as incarceration, which can be further explored through background checks.
Up to 85% of job seekers admit to lying on resumes about aspects like job duties and skills, making independent verification crucial.
Handling discovered resume discrepancies with professionalism and aligning hiring decisions with organizational values are key.
Investing in thorough verification processes, despite initial costs, is essential for reducing long-term expenses related to unproductive wages, training, and turnover.

554 words ~ 2.5 min. read

In today's job market, it's quite common for applicants to exaggerate on their resumes. A surprising find by CareerBuilder shows that 75% of hiring managers have spotted lies on resumes. This highlights a big problem in hiring - how can employers trust what's on a resume? With the honesty of candidate qualifications on the line, it's important for hiring managers to find reliable ways to check the accuracy of resumes to make good hiring decisions. Read on to discover three strategies to help you fast-track the fact-checking process.

Prune Old Jobs
Pruning old jobs simply means removing any outdated or irrelevant information. For example, if an applicant lists a job that they held 10 years ago and haven't worked in that field since, there's a good chance their skills are no longer up-to-date. The hiring platform Indeed reminds job hopefuls to prioritize their most recent and relevant experience, so including historical work experience may also signal a lack of confidence in applying for an intended position.

Check for Gaps
Another way to verify the accuracy of an applicant's resume is to check for gaps. This means looking for any periods of time where there is no employment listed. These gaps could be due to a variety of reasons, such as taking time off to raise a family or going back to school. However, they could also be due to something less savory, such as incarceration. Including a background check will reveal gaps due to jail time but also other important things you may want to know like criminal arrest records or driving history.

Resume gaps aren’t always a bad thing, of course. They may reveal an applicant’s character or important values, with gaps devoted to honing their leadership skills through volunteering for schools or charitable organizations. What you do with your understanding of these blank spaces is what’s important — use them to weed out applicants or to ascertain if a candidate is a value match during the interview process.

Fact-Check Claims
According to Good Hire up to 85% of job seekers have admitted to lying on their resume. What are they lying about? Most often, dishonest claims relate to job duties, work experience, and job skills. While it may be easy to verify if an applicant has indeed graduated from Harvard or won Teacher of the Year, it can take much more time and resources to fact check work history and job duties. For that reason, many employers rely on independent recruiters and agencies to verify resume details.

What should you do if you discover something that doesn’t check out? When hiring managers spot a lie on a resume, it's important to handle it with care and professionalism. First, double-check the facts to avoid any misunderstandings. If the lie is real, talk to the applicant about it and listen to their side of the story. Then, based on how serious the lie is, decide if you still want to consider the candidate. In the end, your decision should align with your organization’s values. If you do hire someone and later discover the lie, experts recommend confronting the employee to learn more. If you want to terminate the employee, get legal counsel first.

Devoting time and resources to outside services will increase your hiring costs upfront. However, when you factor in the price tag for unproductive wages, in addition to training, firing, and rehiring costs, investing in a thorough verification process becomes a vital hiring and retention strategy.


The Columbia Montour Chamber of Commerce is a private non-profit organization that aims to support the growth and development of local businesses and our regional economy. We strive to create content that not only educates but also fosters a sense of connection and collaboration among our readers. Join us as we explore topics such as economic development, networking opportunities, upcoming events, and success stories from our vibrant community. Our resources provide insights, advice, and news that are relevant to business owners, entrepreneurs, and community members alike.

New Member Highlight-Higher Information Group

April 3, 2024

New Member Highlight-Higher Information Group

Higher Information Group, LLC, formerly Harrisburg Copiers Incorporated, was founded in 1969 as a business equipment company. In 2001 it was purchased by its current owner, John Frisch. Higher Information Group has six (6) locations in Pennsylvania and New York. In Pennsylvania these locations include King of Prussia, Harrisburg, Danville, and Wilkes-Barre. Their New York locations include Elmira and Rochester.

They provide their clients with the necessary services so that they can focus on their core business offerings. Higher Information Group will manage your information from inception through its entire life cycle, offering services in six divisions, including Business Equipment, Information Technology, Cabling and Security Systems, Shredding, Document Storage, and Marketing.

Learn More about Higher Information Group.

April Business Matters Hits Newsstands

April 2, 2024

April Business Matters Hits Newsstands

Thanks again to our partner The Press Enterprise, the newest edition of Business Matters has officially hit newsstands (today)!  Inside the edition, you'll see a recap of the last quarter's member news highlights, ribbon cuttings, events, and more.  You'll also learn about upcoming programs and events, and business news that will impact your business in the coming months.  Special thanks to Special Editions Editor Shawn Stair for another wonderful publication.

Check out the edition here!


Think Twice Before Hiring or Promoting “Brilliant Jerks”

April 2, 2024

Think Twice Before Hiring or Promoting “Brilliant Jerks”

  • Arianna Huffington criticizes valuing employees solely on brilliance, coining the term "brilliant jerks" for talented yet toxic workers
  •  "Brilliant jerks" can hide their toxic behaviors behind exceptional performance, complicating their identification and the management of their negative impact.
  • Their presence can damage team unity, foster a toxic work environment, decrease morale and productivity, and lead to significant financial losses.
  • Tolerating or rewarding such behavior normalizes toxicity and can drive away talented individuals, damaging the company's reputation and its ability to attract and retain top talent.
  • Leaders often struggle to address these individuals due to their perceived value, despite the negative consequences on the team and overall work environment.
  • Identifying toxic traits early, emphasizing emotional intelligence, and fostering teamwork in hiring and promotion processes can help create a healthier, more productive work environment.

547 words ~ 2.5 min read


Arianna Huffington, the co-founder of The Huffington Post, famously criticized the practice of valuing employees solely based on their brilliance. She coined the term "brilliant jerks" for those who excel in their job but have a negative impact on the workplace. While it can be tempting to ignore interpersonal flaws for talent's sake, promoting or hiring such individuals often leads to long-term harm. Here, we delve into why this approach is problematic and highlight warning signs of toxic traits.

Identifying "brilliant jerks" at work can be tricky. Their exceptional performance and creativity may hide toxic behaviors, making it hard for supervisors and colleagues to address their negative impact. Sometimes, these individuals are socially adept, which complicates recognizing their harmful traits. This dual nature causes confusion, as their value as high performers clashes with their negative influence. Their behavior might be situationally toxic, especially under stress, making it challenging to address effectively.

The problem is "brilliant jerks" can significantly impede team unity. Their arrogance or aggression can foster a toxic environment, resulting in reduced morale and productivity among team members. When collaboration and mutual respect are undermined, innovation and efficiency are inevitably impacted. Studies indicate that toxic work environments lead to nearly $50 billion in annual losses for U.S. businesses, with a toxic culture being the leading cause of employee turnover in the initial six months of the Great Resignation.

Unfortunately, tolerating or rewarding such behavior promotes disrespect, egoism, and a lack of empathy. This can normalize toxicity, driving away talented individuals who seek a positive work environment. In the long run, it undermines trust and collaboration, crucial for innovation and support. This damages the company's reputation and makes it hard to attract and keep top talent who value a healthy workplace.

Dealing with these individuals can be tough due to their perceived value, even if their behavior is harmful. Leaders may fear losing their skills or impacting key projects, leading to tolerance of their actions. The misconception that high performers can behave differently can cloud decision-making, sending the wrong message to the team.

It can be difficult to spot 'brilliant jerks' in the hiring process, but these red flags can help draw attention to traits that may overshadow stellar performance. If you do hire someone with these qualities by mistake, Huffington advises business leaders to act quickly: “Don't go there. And if you go there by mistake, fire them as fast as possible.”


Red Flags of Toxic Traits:

  1. Empathy Deficit: Failing to grasp or appreciate others' feelings and viewpoints.
  2. Excessive Arrogance: Constantly asserting superiority over colleagues and disregarding their ideas outright.
  3. Resistance to Feedback: Being defensive towards criticism, viewing it as a personal attack rather than a chance for improvement.
  4. Manipulative Tactics: Using deceit or coercion to further personal objectives at the expense of others. "Brilliant jerks" love sharing private information in the form of 'secrets.'
  5. Social Withdrawal: Drifting apart from team activities and discussions, either by choice or due to others' reactions.


Recognizing these red flags is crucial for fostering a healthy work environment. By placing a strong emphasis on emotional intelligence and teamwork during the hiring and promotion processes, organizations can cultivate a culture characterized by mutual respect and seamless collaboration. This, in turn, paves the way for achieving long-term success and sustainable growth.


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