Student Programs

Students from eight high schools explore business and entrepreneurship, meeting with small business owners. Speakers include local entrepreneurs and guests from Bloomsburg University Zeigler School of Business and Professional Development.

Implementation of the evidence based Cope2Thrive! Program in the Danville Middle School this September. The program assesses students needs for early mental health intervention and teaches positive coping mechanisms and resiliency. Funded by Youth in Philanthropy in partnership with COLT Program.

Financial Literacy and more: We provide a suite of products on financial literacy for elementary, middle and high school students in partnership with First Columbia Bank & Trust Co. Additionally, some districts have added on Alcohol EDU to educate students on the dangers of drugs and alcohol. All EVERFI programs are virtual and interactive.

Middle and High School students and parents from seven school districts, as well as the Columbia Montour Area Vocational Technical School, attend to meet with company representatives about careers.

The Foundation provides scholarships for foundational skills development to graduating seniors (one from each of eight high schools) for the School Counts/Skills that Pay program as well as for Pennsylvania Free Enterprise Week (PFEW), an intensive program that educates high school students about the American free enterprise system. These programs bring together motivated students with business professionals from across the state.

We provide $16,000 in scholarships to local students to attend early STEM college courses through the Bloomsburg University STEM Magnet program. We are a member of the STEM Ecosystem and were recently one of 3 organizations to represent the Central PA Region at the International STEM convening in Michigan. We host a STEM Innovation contest every year for local high school students in our 5-county area.

An industry-led initiative designed to critically analyze data on in-demand jobs, this program informs educational partnerships and priorities. It has helped reshape the Aim Hi program at Geisinger, helping to shape a student pipeline for the organization. Grant funding has also helped to launch a manufacturing initiative to aid workforce in response to strong local economic development in this sector.

In partnership with the Bloomsburg Theater Ensemble and Bloomsburg University, this program merges STEM and theater curricula to appeal to students who may not see STEM as valuable to their future in the arts. Through this program, we've purchased high-end tech equipment for theater programs in all eight high schools to teach about light and sound in arts production.

An online marketing contest for Middle School students. Students create a 2-minute marketing video about a partner manufacturing company, learn how to shoot A and B roll, story board, video edit, add music and produce. Class work includes social media and digital marketing, and culminates in a 48-hour online, viewers-choice-based vote.