Bloomsburg Considering Mandatory Lock Boxes on Commercial Buildings

Bloomsburg Town Council is considering an ordinance that would require a key lock box on commercial and multi-family apartment buildings in the Town. The boxes would allow the Fire Department quick access to buildings during an alarm without the need to force entry and potentially damage property. Following concerns expressed by the Chamber at the June 24 Council meeting, the issue was referred back to the Public Safety Committee for additional discussion and input.
The full ordinance is available here, with the details and information on the specific lock boxes is at The Fire Department is recommending the Knox Box model 3200, which starts at $323 for a surface-mount box. A 1-2 key residential box with a price of $183 is an option for smaller properties. Installation can be done by the property owner.
The Public Safety Committee is scheduled to meet Tuesday, July 16, at 3:15 at Town Hall. The Chamber is interested in getting input from Bloomsburg business and property owners on whether or not they are in favor of the Town requiring these boxes via a brief poll by this Friday, July 12. The aggregate results will be provided to the Committee.