Member News – October 17, 2018
Member News
- NEPIRC, DRIVE and SEDA-COG will team up to host a Lunch and Learn titled “Cybersecurity Trends & Safeguards for Manufacturers next Tuesday, Oct. 23, from 11 a.m. – 1 p.m. at Monty’s on the Bloomsburg University campus. This free seminar is specifically intended for manufacturers and helping them respond to current threats and trends in the cybersecurity world. Topics covered will include ransomware, hacking, breaches and disasters, and safeguards will also be presented including best practices for prevention, mitigation and incident response. See the flyer for more information, and register online, by email, or call 570-704-0018.
- The Press Enterprise will host a Career Expo on Wednesday, Oct. 24, from 2-6 p.m. at Berwick Golf Club. There is no cost to attend, and PA CareerLink Columbia/Montour Counties will also be on hand for some free job search workshops. There will also be door prizes every hour. Businesses interested in being a vendor are asked to register by Oct. 11. For more information or to register, call 570-387-1234 or visit the Facebook event page.
- The Bloomsburg Area YMCA will host its annual Trunk or Treat from 5:30-8 p.m. on Friday, Oct. 26. Join the Y and other local organizations for a night of spooky family fun featuring fun activities, a haunted walk-through and plenty of Halloween candy. If your organization would like to take part in this event, call 570-784-0188 to reserve your spot.
- Ken Pollock Ford Lincoln will host a Penn State football tailgate on Saturday, Oct. 27 from 12-3 p.m. at the Berwick dealership located at 1120 West Front St. (Rt. 11).
Join them as the Nittany Lions take on Iowa, watch the game on their big screen and enjoy some tailgate food and beverages and other fun surprises while you’re there. In additional, Operation Kidsafe will be on site offering free digital fingerprinting and photos for your child in case of emergency. Operation KidSafe captures your child’s picture and fingerprints using a digital video capture device, digital ink-less fingerprint capture device, and specialized software. The captured data is assembled and a quality 8.5 x 11 printout is given to the parent. The parent can use the printout they receive to provide anywhere in the world to instantly aid in an investigation.
- Ken Pollock Ford Lincoln,
along with all of the other Ken Pollock dealerships throughout northeast Pennsylvania, will also hosts its fifth annual Trunk or Treat from 9 a.m. – 8 p.m. on Wednesday, Oct. 31. All Ken Pollock dealerships will be loaded with treats and good eats. Wear your best costume and stop in for some fun.
- Commonwealth Health – Berwick Hospital Center will hold an open house and community hernia screening from 6-8 p.m. on Thursday, Nov. 8. The open house will include tours of the hospital and blood pressure checks, informational stations on Berwick Retirement Village and the hospital services, and a meet-and-greet with the primary care physicians affiliated with Berwick Medical Professionals. An educational session and hernia screenings – both free to the public – will be offered at this time by general surgeons who are on staff at Berwick Hospital. Light refreshments will be served. Anyone interested in scheduling a hernia screening is asked to call 570-354-6515 or visit Berwick Hospital Center is located at 701 East 16th St., Berwick.
- Geisinger Bloomsburg Hospital will once again offer a complimentary meal for veterans on Thursday, Nov. 8 in the GBH dining room. There will be four separate seatings – at 3, 4, 5 and 6 p.m., and the meal is complimentary for all U.S. veterans and one guest. Join GBH as they celebrate the service of our veterans to the U.S. Because seating is limited each hour, reservations are required by Friday, Nov. 2. Call 570-387-2145 today to reserve your seat(s). The buffet dinner includes carved roast beef, mashed potatoes with gravy, corn, green beans, beverages and cake and ice cream.
- NEPIRC will conduct a free leadership training seminar titled “Leadership Development Essentials” on Thursday, Dec. 6, from 8 a.m. – 12 p.m. at the Central Susquehanna Community Foundation, located at 725 West Front St. (Rt. 11) in Berwick. This program is intended to help individuals become stronger, more impactful leaders. While joining other managers and supervisors to discuss workplace challenges, attendees will explore topics that include self-awareness, power & authority, risk & failure and leadership style. Using self-assessment tools and experiential learning, attendees will examine their strengths and weaknesses while exploring best practices of exceptional leaders. Register via the NEPIRC event website.
- MePush will be hosting a series of study sessions throughout the fall at its conference room at 130 Buffalo Rd., Lewisburg, for information technology professionals that are taking and interested in getting together to study for the Cisco CCNA exam. This major certification in the IT industry is a big undertaking for some, so MePush would like to offer a forum to help other IT pros in the area improve their skills and certifications. If interested, please email Art so MePush can have a headcount.