Chamber Calls for End to UC Bonuses
With workforce shortages causing businesses to reduce hours and services and outsource work, and the resulting supply chain issues, the Chamber’s Board of Directors is calling for an end to the $300 per week federal Unemployment Compensation bonus payments as soon as possible. Currently, the weekly bonus is scheduled to end in early September, though 26 states have opted to end the benefits sooner. Legislation is currently being considered in Harrisburg that would also end the bonus payments in Pennsylvania, and offer return to work bonuses. This week, the Chamber Board voted unanimously in opposition of reentry bonuses.
House Bill 508 would provide a $300 bonus after four and eight weeks of employment. Senate Bill 699 would provide a $1,000 bonus to individuals returning to work after four weeks of employment. In addition to the unanimous vote by the Board, the Chamber has received feedback from members of all sizes expressing concerns over the appropriateness of return to work bonuses.
“The UC bonus and stimulus payments have been disincentivizing people from returning to work for months,” said Chamber president Fred Gaffney. “With good paying jobs available throughout the state, the government needs to recognize that it is hindering economic recovery. Businesses should not have to compete with the UC system for employees.”