Member News- June 2, 2021
United Way to launch Day of Action to Benefit Local Community
The United Way of Columbia and Montour Counties is launching their Day of Action. On and around June 21, volunteers will go into Columbia and Montour Counties to help local nonprofits in their areas of need. The goal is to provide local residents with the opportunity to make a difference in their community.
“Due to COVID-19, many partner agencies had to put off projects due to safety concerns or because their focus was on running the organization,” said Adrienne Mael, President/CEO of United Way of Columbia and Montour Counties. “With restrictions easing, it felt like the perfect year to support our agencies in a new way. We hope this Day of Action will grow into an annual tradition.”
United Way reached out to their partner agencies to see where they needed support, and if they could fulfill any “wish lists” for their organizations. Seven nonprofits responded with twelve different projects they are looking to complete. The projects range from planting and weeding gardens, sanding, staining, and painting projects, building planter boxes, organizing storage units, and even some longer-term data entry projects.
Any individual interested in participating in United Way’s Day of Action can sign-up at Simply select your areas of interest, and United Way will match you to a project!
There are three different opportunities to participate in a Day of Action starting Saturday, June 19, 2021, through Monday, June 21, 2021. Volunteers are welcome to sign-up for one or all three days depending on your capacity and availability. Children under 14 years of age are welcome to participate but must be accompanied by a parent or guardian.
As a new initiative, the hope is this will grow into an annual volunteer opportunity for community residents to come alongside our local nonprofits to be part of solutions that have a real impact on people’s lives.

Pictured from left to right: Dennis Piatt (Senior Maintenance Technician), Lesley Yeich (Maintenance Technician), Craig Reinard (Seasonal Maintenance Technician), Hannah Reavy (intern), Doug Fought (Seasonal Maintenance Technician), and Bob Stoudt (Director). Not pictured: Jon Beam (Assistant Director/Naturalist)