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Final Phase Opens for COVID Relief Grants for Hospitality Businesses

The final phase of a COVID-19 relief grant is now open for eligible hospitality industry businesses through SEDA-Council of Governments (SEDA-COG), and they have until June 15 to apply or until the funds are spent – and then the grant program ends.

The seven counties that have remaining funds are Clinton, Columbia, Juniata, Mifflin, Montour, Northumberland, and Snyder.

Following are the remaining Hospitality Industry Recovery Program (CHIRP) funds per county, totaling $1.2 million:

  • Northumberland: $539,401
  • Snyder: $249,208
  • Juniata: $173,435
  • Mifflin: $116,456
  • Columbia: $103,906
  • Clinton: $21,440
  • Montour: $13,420

SEDA-COG Executive Director Kim Wheeler said with the end of the new grant program approaching, she hopes more businesses will apply.

“We know there are more businesses in these counties that could use these free funds, so we urge you to apply as soon as you can. We understand that times are busy and stressful, so we are here to help you through the process,” Wheeler said.

Those with questions may contact SEDA-COG Grants Manager Betsy Lockwood at 570-522-7265 or

For-profit hospitality businesses can apply until funds are spent or June 15 at the Community Giving Foundation’s website at Grants range from $5,000 to $50,000 to help alleviate 2020 revenue losses and pay for eligible operating expenses due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Eligible hospitality industry businesses must be for-profit businesses which include hotels, Bed and Breakfasts, restaurants, bars, taverns, catering companies, and food trucks. These businesses must fall within eligible industry codes which include the Accommodations subsector NAICS code (721) or Food Services and Drinking Places subsector (722) found here:

Eligibility includes, but is not limited to, having fewer than 300 full-time employees; a net worth that does not exceed $15 million; a 25% reduction in gross receipts in 2020 compared to 2019; and be located within Clinton, Columbia, Juniata, Mifflin, Montour, Northumberland, or Snyder counties.

Priority will be given to businesses that did not already receive COVID relief funds; that were subject to closure following the disaster emergency declared by Gov. Tom Wolf on March 6, 2020; or had more than a 50% reduction in gross receipts from March 31, 2020 to Dec. 31, 2020 compared to the same time period in 2019. For a full listing of eligibility requirements and prioritization guidelines, visit

SEDA-COG contracted with 10 of its member counties to manage a total of $7.3 million in grants on their behalf. SEDA-COG receives the applications and determines eligibility and grant amounts. SEDA-COG also disburses the funds to awarded businesses.

The grant program was created from the law Act 1 of 2021, which was passed Feb. 5, 2021. Statewide, it provides $145 million in funding assistance to the hospitality industry businesses adversely affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. 

As a community and economic development agency, SEDA-COG enhances the quality of life and economic advantage for residents and businesses in 11 central Pennsylvania counties through its vital partnerships and initiatives. SEDA-COG also is an advocate for the interests of communities at the state and federal levels. For more information, visit

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