Member News- August 5, 2020
Talen Energy to Test Siren System
Talen Energy will be sounding their siren systems within a 10 mile radius of the Susquehanna nuclear power plant near Berwick on Thursday, August 20th at 11 am, as part of an annual test of the system. No public action is required. The sirens will sound with a steady signal lasting three minutes. This is only a test. If you have any questions, or for more information, please call the Talen Energy, Susquehanna Energy Information Center at 1-866-832-4474.
The Bloomsburg Children’s Museum Birthday Bash
On August 15th, come join The Children’s Museum in Bloomsburg for fun, food, and entertainment for their 35th Birthday Bash! There will be free admission from 10:00 am to 4:00 pm and let’s not forget the birthday cake! Without the support of the community, they would not be where they are today. So come join as we celebrate 35 years of fun and learning! Also, please consider donating to help fund further programs.
ArtFest 2020 Postponed Until 2021
With the good health of the people in our community as by far the most important factor, The Exchange, Downtown Bloomsburg Inc. (DBI), and the Town of Bloomsburg have decided that ArtFest should not take place in 2020. The boards of the two non-profits and Town Council agree that the COVID-19 pandemic makes an event of ArtFest’s size unwise, even outdoors. In addition, making ArtFest a success would mean trying to draw enough attendees that it would bump up against if not exceed the number, 250, that the Governor of Pennsylvania has determined as the limit on gatherings.
ArtFest would have taken place on Saturday, August 22nd, between 10 a.m. and 5 p.m. surrounding the fountain on the Square and up Market Street in downtown Bloomsburg, with more than thirty art and craft vendors, five food vendors, and live music by local performers all day. We now look forward to the 2021 event, tentatively scheduled for Saturday, August 21st.
Internet Service for Students and Teachers
Even though students will soon be preparing to return to school, there are many uncertainties and some may need to again rely on an eLearning environment. As a result, Service Electric Cablevision (SECV) will again offer 90 days free Internet service to students and teachers who do not already subscribe to SECV Internet. This offer includes the 40M x 4M tier of Internet service, along with a free cable modem rental. It applies only to persons who are not currently subscribed to SECV Internet service. Those persons who may have participated in the SECV spring Student offer and recently disconnected because the free offer period ended may once again participate in this fall offer. Other restrictions may apply including needing to resolve an unpaid balance for services previously provided. As before, Self-installation is required with the assistance of a technician outside the residence to ensure the safety of our employees. All new customers must provide written proof of their child’s current enrollment at a local school in SECV’s service area. All teachers must reside in SECV’s service area and provide evidence of current employment status with a school district. For more information or to enroll in the eLearning offer, please have students or teachers call us at 877.955.7328.
Service 1st Donates Personal Protective Equipment to Two Local Hospitals

(l-r): Kendra Aucker, President/CEO, Evangelical Community Hospital; Michael Howe, Facilities & Maintenance Specialist, Service 1st; Jay Reed, Chief Information Officer, Service 1st; Jennifer Daddario, Regional Vice President, Service 1st; and Bill Lavage, President/CEO, Service 1st.
Service 1st Federal Credit Union donated personal protective equipment (PPE) to two local hospitals to help replenish supplies used since the initial response to the Coronavirus, COVID-19 pandemic.
A combined donation of 2,000 gowns were recently provided to Evangelical Community Hospital, located in Lewisburg and Geisinger Medical Center, located in Danville.
“Everyone is feeling the challenge of dealing with the COVID-19 pandemic, including our local hospitals,” said Bill Lavage, President/CEO, Service 1st. “We are pleased to be able to provide the front-line health care workers at these hospitals with the necessary protection to perform their important work.”

(l-r): Dave Shope, Assistant Vice President Business Development, Service 1st; Linda Brown, Chief Administrative Officer, Service 1st; Bill Lavage, President/CEO, Service 1st; Joseph Goyne, Senior Director of Logistics, Geisinger Medical Center; Tom Sokola, Chief Administrative Officer; Geisinger Medical Center; and Angela Brouse, Regional Director of the Geisinger Health Foundation.
Credit unions are member-owned and share the fundamental belief of ‘people helping people’. Service 1st was proud to be among 17 regional credit unions and credit union partners that worked together to support healthcare facilities throughout New Jersey and Pennsylvania. Combined, their efforts provided over 30,000 medical gowns.