Infrastructure Projects Support Local Businesses

Andy Keister of McTish, Kunkle & Associates reviews areas along the Rt. 11 corridor that are increasingly experiencing storm water issues.
Two projects announced recently will support businesses in Columbia County by investing in infrastructure and mitigating future risks of flooding.
On December 12th, Governor Tom Wolf announced the approval of 26 rail freight improvement projects that will enhance freight mobility across Pennsylvania. SEKISUI SPI was among the projects which will assist the company in constructing two spur tracks and install unloading equipment. The company expressed its appreciation to the Governor’s office as well as North Shore Railroad and SEDA-Council of Governments Joint Rail Authority for their support of the project.
Also in December, a storm water management study for a portion of the Rt. 11 corridor between Bloomsburg and South Centre Township got underway. With funding secured by Senator John Gordner and Representative David Millard, as well as contributions from the municipalities and several local businesses, the SEDA-COG Joint Rail Authority held a kick-off meeting with local stakeholders to identify problem areas. The study, expected to be completed by McTish, Kunkle & Associates by Spring, 2020, will identify priority areas along both sides of the corridor for repairing, upgrading, or installing infrastructure to better handle runoff from storms. The firm may also suggest ordinances and policies to reduce future risks.
The Chamber of Commerce helped organize meetings in South Centre Township following flooding of several major employers, including SEKISUI and Smucker’s, in the summer of 2018.