Summer Weather Travel Tips

From rabbittransit
- Plan Ahead: Bring extra beverages to stay hydrated while waiting for pickup. If you must wait outside, wear a hat and sunscreen and seek shade to avoid harmful effects from the sun.
- Wear Loose and Comfortable Clothing: As temperatures warm up, remember to dress appropriately for the summer heat. rabbittransit vehicles are air-conditioned, but you may have to wait outside for pick-up. Loose clothing lowers the risk of heat stroke and keeps you comfortable as you travel.
- Step Carefully: Bus floors and steps may become slippery from summer rainstorms. Remember to always maintain three points of contact—one hand and two feet or two hands and one foot—when boarding or exiting the bus.
- Stay Informed: Storms and increased summer traffic may cause unexpected delays. Sign up for Rider Alerts to receive an automated phone call, email or text message about unexpected service changes. Visit to sign up today.